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Circle for


Restorative Justice Program

The Circle for Change Restorative Justice Program will provide evidence-based programming for youth residents in Juvenile Correctional Centers.


This eight-week program focuses on reducing attitudinal risk factors that contribute to offending behavior through the development of character, relational skills, family and life skills, and faith. The program uses a dialogue circle that is designed to create a safe space where residents can speak their truth in front of peers, staff, and restorative justice facilitators.


This program will address the necessary core values that will provide for the establishment of social norms and how to co-exist in a community. We will address such core values as: 

Resolution | Empathy | Inclusion | Respect | Accountability

Integrity | Cooperation | Truth

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Circle for Change

Restorative Justice Modules

A. Build emotional intelligence and development of youth in the juvenile justice system, to help them think about their values and make better decisions.


B. Provide tools for the residents, so that they can handle conflict in healthier ways when it occurs. 

C. To model positive and healthy communication, creating a space where they can talk openly about issues in their lives and discuss problems that arise. 

D. Improve behavior and reduce recidivism of youth offenders, through this emotional development and skill building.




Use of restorative practices helps to:

  • Improve human behavior

  • Strengthen civil society

  • Provide effective leadership

  • Reduce bullying, crime and violence

  • Restore relationships

  • Repair harm

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